WEEK 7 – DAY 2


Thou art my portion, O Lord: I have said that I would keep thy words. Psalm 119:57

I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart. Psalm 119:32

“Betsy got a bigger piece of cake than I did!  It’s not fair! I even helped you bake it while she just played outside.”  Have you ever heard children griping about how small their portion was or that their piece didn’t have as much icing as another or was short on sprinkles?  Wasn’t it especially irksome if you were the one who carefully dished out the shares trying to make them as equal as humanly possible? I wonder if that’s how God feels when He hears us complaining about our lot in life and comparing it to the neighbors’ situation.  They have a better house, a newer car, a more thoughtful husband, etc.  God just seems to be dishing out the blessings unfairly. After all, I’m going to church every Sunday, tithing, and singing in the choir.  Why do those ungodly people down the street have everything when they don’t serve the Lord at all?  Perhaps we need to read Psalm 37 to see what God says about being envious toward wrongdoers who seem to be prosperous.       Maybe we need to remember that God is our portion.  Who needs more than that?  The Creator and Sustainer of the universe, the Savior of my soul, refers to himself as the Bread of Life.  He encourages me to “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8). I can never get enough of God, but that’s okay because there is plenty to go around.  I ate at a restaurant once that advertised a “Chocolate Volcano”.  That’s how God is, overflowing with goodness; and Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled” (Matthew 5:6 NIV). As Goldielocks would say, the portion we have of God is “just right”.

Father, remind us that even when You seem to be all we have, You are all we need. Help us to be satisfied with our portion and not envious of others.