WEEK 7 – DAY 1


I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart. Psalm 119:32

Rather than an enlarged heart, the Amplified version translates it as a “heart that is willing.” People may try to be good in their own strength, but we cannot truly be righteous apart from Jesus. The only way to be right with God is by placing our trust in the Lord Jesus by faith: “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Hebrews 11:6). Then we ask, where does pursuing His commandments come in? Psalm 119:32, when seen in the light of the New Testament, is clear. When one surrenders to Jesus, the Holy Spirit takes up residence in that person. The Holy Spirit makes us willing and empowers us to run purposefully after God’s ways. Before I, Susie, surrendered my life to Jesus, I would trudge through reading a few verses each day in order to mark the little box on my offering envelope “read Bible daily”. It was a chore to complete because it was expected of me. However, now that I know the Lord, I long to know Him more intimately; and reading His word is something the Holy Spirit has given me a desire to do. He has made me willing to pursue God’s instruction. Susan, on the other hand, knew Jesus at an early age but was unable to get into the word without help from others. When she was finally able to turn the pages of a large print Bible for herself, she devoured it like one who had been starving. After checking over her work at school, she would hurry to spend the rest of the time in the Word of God since it wasn’t against the rules. The Bible was a safe place for her during times of turmoil.

Father, by Your Holy Spirit indwelling us, make us willing to pursue Your will and Your ways in Your word. Give us an insatiable desire to know You more intimately by pouring over Your love letter to us, the Bible.