WEEK 6 – DAY 4


Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe: and I will have respect unto thy statutes continually. Psalm 119:117

As we were reading Psalm 119:113-120 this evening, this verse jumped out at us because of the mental picture it evoked. Just this afternoon, our three pastors had joined us for lunch. Our student minister, Damien, has a four-year-old son who is battling leukemia. We had written a Champion Blessing for him and purchased him a small gift—a soft, squishy toy lion. Damien was telling us a little bit about his son and mentioned that one of his favorite things was to ride up on his dad’s shoulders. We imagine he feels big and strong perched securely up above the crowd. Therefore, this is how we imagined our Father God holding us up. The mental picture was that of being lifted high by strong arms and held above anything or anyone who would harm us, traveling through life empowered by the strength of One much mightier than ourselves, enabled to do all He has called us to do by His power and not our own. This brought to mind the song “You Raise Me Up” sung by Josh Groban.

Father, remind us daily that we are never alone. We are secure in Your all-mighty hands, and You will never drop us. Give us the trust of a child riding on Daddy’s shoulders.