WEEK 50 – DAYS 6 & 7

And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh. Matthew 2:11


The virgin Mary conceived God’s Son
Angel told Joseph her Baby’s the One,
Messiah, Anointed,
By God appointed
Salvation for men with this Babe begun.
There were no rooms in Bethlehem
A stable was the best to be found for them
Mary gave birth
God came to earth
Shepherds came from the fields to worship Him.
The Baby Jesus was circumcised and redeemed
Simeon’s eyes with tears of joy gleamed.
Simeon prophesied.
Anna evangelized.
The Spirit revealed this Babe was not as He seemed.
For this poor Baby Boy who had laid in a manger
Who had been King in Heaven was on earth a stranger.
Deity wrapped
in Baby who napped.
But soon His earthly life would be in danger.
Magi from the east entered Herod’s court
A strange phenomenon they had to report.
Glory shining as a star
Led the wise men from afar
to see a newborn King, so they came to consort.
Herod’s advisors said Bethlehem was the place
Where their Messiah was foretold to show His face
Wise men went
Where they were sent
Herod plotted to avoid being replaced.
The Magi found Mary in a house with the Babe
They opened their packs, and gifts they gave.
Gifts of great expense—
Gold, myrrh, frankincense.
They did not report to Herod, the Baby to save.
Joseph was warned by an angel to flee
To Egypt that night to protect his family.
Soldiers ravaged
As if they were savage
Killing all baby boys by King Herod’s decree.
From the beginning, Satan tried to prevent
Jesus from the purpose of His advent.
Jesus survived
God kept Him alive
Until the time had come for which He was sent.
Jesus performed many miraculous signs,
Asserted His deity numerous ways and times
Sinners revealed
People were healed
When the timing was right, to Jerusalem He climbed.
There He was arrested, they yelled “Crucify.”
The Babe in the manger had come here to die.
The perfect Lamb
The Great “I AM”
His mission on earth to be our sacrifice.
He died on the cross, paid the ransom for sin
To redeem lost sinners who would trust in Him.
Three days in the tomb
Then life He resumed.
Arose to Father, promised we’ll be with them.