WEEK 49 – DAY 6


The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, And His sovereignty rules over all.  Psalm 103:19 (NASB)

Eve ate the fruit because she was deceived,

but God already had a plan in place.

The serpent would bruise the heel of her seed,

but her Seed would stomp Satan’s face.

Sarah was barren and came up with a plan

to have Hagar bear Abraham a son.

But God said to Abraham, you don’t understand.

Sarah’s son will be the chosen one.

Tamar pretended to be a prostitute

and by her father-in-law, bore a son.

Although her ways were of ill repute,

God prevented Judah’s line from being done.

In Jericho, Rahab was known as a harlot,

but she hid the spies Joshua sent.

Our sovereign Lord saved her from a tight spot:

the rest of her days as a Jew were spent.

Rahab had Boaz by Salmon of Judah’s line.

Boaz redeemed and married Moabitess Ruth,

loyal to Naomi with determined mind.

She was the grandmother of King David in truth.

Bathsheba was King David’s mistress,

and he even had her husband killed.

But God in mercy forgave their big mess,

and her son Solomon the king’s shoes filled.

Esther was a simple young Jewish girl,

but God raised her up to be queen of Persia.

With bravery to make your head swirl,

she saved her nation from a cruel plot’s inertia.