WEEK 47 – DAY 4


Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. 2 Timothy 4:2

One meaning of “longsuffering” is longanimity. We found the definition in our favorite dictionary:

Longanimity – Forbearance; patience; disposition to endure long under offenses.

Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language

Timothy’s overarching purpose was to proclaim the Gospel fearlessly, with abandonment, and without shame. He was to teach the principles of godly living to the believers in Ephesus. He was to identify, isolate, and rebuke the sin of the believers at Ephesus and any others within the sphere of his influence. However, this was to be done with all patience and love, exemplifying the character of Christ. It is never easy to confront a brother or sister in Christ concerning sin in his or her life. Teaching on how to do so is often lacking in modern churches. Because of this, many people stay stuck on the hamster wheel of sin instead of being lovingly led to victorious living. Their spiritual growth is stunted because a more mature brother or sister failed to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). Therefore, the entire body, the congregation is stunted. I (Susan) once had to confront a friend about performing in an inappropriate manner during his musical act. It was not easy. It was not pleasant for me. However, he needed to think about his witness for Jesus. If I had not said something to him, I feel I would have been sinning by refusing to speak the truth in love. He actually thanked me for caring enough to point it out. When you approach a person about wrongdoing, it is because you respect and love them enough to do so. It should not be done with a judgmental attitude but gently with patience to wait on the Holy Spirit to convict. The response may not be gratitude immediately. That’s where the longanimity comes in.

Father, make us be bold to speak the truth with gentleness and longanimity. Help us endure if people lash out at us as we lovingly share difficult truth.