WEEK 46 – DAY 4


Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 1:13

Paul repeatedly told Timothy to stick to the gospel message as he had taught him. Do not detract from or add to it in any way, shape, or form. He should remain strong in his faith in Jesus, his total reliance on Him for salvation, and continue to faithfully, confidently preach the truth with boldness. However, intertwined with his boldness he should share the compassionate love that Jesus so perfectly exemplified. T. L. Osborn was an encouragement and blessing to me and preached with a heart full of love and compassion. He traveled many countries for over 50 years faithfully proclaiming the gospel and seeing the Lord heal many people. When I met T.L., I was on my way out of the International Gospel Center after worship. He was in a full-blown conversation as I was being rolled past him. He briskly came after me and said, “Excuse me. When you walked past me, I felt the power of God all over you and your life. May I pray for you?” I bravely braced myself for another person praying to cast demons out of my life, but this was nothing like the experiences I had previously. He bent down on one knee to get eye to eye with me, and prayed, “May all the dreams and visions according to God’s will for your life come to full and complete fruition.” The proclivities of my cerebral palsied earth-suit were not his focus. Instead, he dwelt on God’s calling and anointing on my life. I was almost out the front door when he stopped me and said, “God wanted me to let you know that you are loved and beautiful just the way you are.”  As we present the gospel, we need to do so looking through the compassionate eyes of our Savior. We need to see past the challenges a person has to the soul in need of love.

Father, help us to look past outward appearances and even difficult personalities to see the person You have placed in our path in order that we may share Your message of Love. May we present Your Gospel faithfully and frame it always in Your love.