WEEK 45 – DAY 2


Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned. . .1 Timothy 1:5

Paul had encouraged Timothy to admonish some false teachers and guide them back to toward the center of true faith.  The goal in mind is that they would pattern their walk after Jesus’ walk. Charity or love in this context is the kind of love demonstrated by Jesus – a choice to love a person regardless of how you feel toward him or her.

There is a person in my own life right now who has greatly wronged me. The actions of this person affect not only me, but my personal assistant as well.  My natural instinct would be to throttle the person, but Jesus said vengeance is His; and I must comply by trusting the situation to Him.  I must remember the Lord, in due time, can and will do a much better job at disciplining this person than I can. This does not mean we should let others steam-roll over us. However, we should follow the procedures outlined in Matthew 18 of going to the person first before involving others. The Lord has called me to be salt and light in a dark and tasteless world.  Choosing to love unconditionally like Jesus is many times a moment by moment choice. When I choose the path that Jesus requires, I am kept safe within the boundaries of His love for me.  Each time I choose to take matters into my own hands, I suffer unpleasant consequences.

Is there someone in your life who has wronged you or is in some other way difficult to love?  Make sure you are taking this person and the situation to the Lord in prayer with a pure heart.  The Lord will direct you and enable you to love.  Jesus is the only reason we have the capacity to love, especially when it comes to loving the unlovely.

Gracious Father, You are Love. Send Your grace and love flowing through us to bless others. Use us to draw others into the perfect, loving relationship with You.