Week 44 – Days 6 & 7


Make your life a prayer. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (TPT)

Christian women, God is calling you to pray,
Not just in a crisis but every single day.
We have a mighty power when we call on Jesus’ name,
And as we stand upon His word, we will not be dismayed.
Single woman, pray for yourself
And for your friends in the Lord
That you’ll stay true to His word
To live in purity and faith a life that’s clean.
Young wife, pray for your man
as he walks out the door,
that he’ll follow the Lord
not just at church, but at home and work and in between.
Mothers, pray for each child,
As he takes his first walk,
As she first learns to talk,
That Christ will draw them ever closer to His side.
Grandmas, keep praying for your kids,
And the grandchildren they raise
That the Lord they’ll learn to praise
And that your family ever near Him will abide.
Childless woman, pray for the ones
To which you give your mother love
For God has blessed you from above
With unconditional love He has given you to share.
All women, pray for the souls
Who seem to have no one to pray
Who so easily stray
That the Lord will help them see how much he cares.
Christian women, you can change your world
Not by following flags unfurled
But by standing on the word of God and falling to your knees
To call upon the power of God who loves, and cares, and sees.