Week 44 – Day 5

Dedicated to Betsy Hall

Rejoice always and delight in your faith; Be unceasing and persistent in prayer; in every situation [no matter what the circumstances] be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (AMP)

At this very moment, I am in pain. My foot that is no longer there is having spasms, phantom pain. We tend to think of rejoicing as a feeling, but it is not. It is bound up in relationship, my relationship to our heavenly Father that I am devoted to and committed to no matter what. Joy is possible because God loves me and chose me when I was unworthy because of sin. I wouldn’t even have the capacity to love Him unless He loved me first. I can give thanks to God when I pray, even when I am in pain, because He is faithful. I have trusted Jesus, surrendered my life to Him; and thanksgiving is His will and destiny for me. What the Lord instructs me to do, He empowers me to do through the Holy Spirit within me.

My precious friend and mom in the faith, Betsy Hall, recently went to be with Jesus after a long battle with cancer. During the fight for her life, she continued to exude joy and to encourage others. With white gloves on her hands and a hat on her head due to a reaction to chemo, she personally delivered roses to me for my birthday. She continued to bring glory to God by joyfully trusting Him, and now she has the blessing of being in His presence.

Lord, in obedience and by the power of Your Holy Spirit within me, I thank You for the phantom pain, the spasms, the sleep apnea, and all the challenges Cerebral Palsy gives my earth-suit. Thank You for giving the calm assurance of joy deep within even during the times of greatest struggle.