WEEK 42 – DAY 3


. . . seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him . . . Colossians 3:9b-10

We loved to watch “Extreme Makeover – Home Edition”. It was upbeat, encouraging, and interesting. The design team often had to completely demolish the old house in order to build a firmer and larger foundation for the picture they had in mind. They designed a home for the specific needs of the particular family they were helping that week— handicap access, super filters, larger kitchens—whatever would make life easier for them.

Our Lord wants to restore us to our created state—that is in His image, the image of the Creator. In order to do that He sometimes has to tear down many old, unstable walls in our lives. We help in this process by daily yielding our members to His control and consciously allowing Him to remove the bad to make room for the best. The design God has in mind for our lives is specific to our needs and what He desires to accomplish through us. Our part in the process is to be willing to put off that old self and put on Christ. This is done through praying, confessing, and yielding to the Holy Spirit as He speaks truth to our hearts. The design team did an excellent job of meeting a family’s specific needs each week. The family was always amazed at how the house exceeded their wildest dreams. Our heavenly Father “is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us” (Ephesians 3:20). Now, that’s an extreme makeover!

Father, we thank you that you are constantly renewing us and conforming us to the image of Christ Jesus. Please help us to remain as clay in Your hands, allowing You to make us into exactly what You have designed us to be.

One Comment

  • Dustin R Mcdoniel

    Holy Spirit You are welcome here.
    Holy Spirit You are all knowing, all powerful all sustaining, and Holy Spirit You Love us with a perfect Love that casts out all fear. I Trust You Holy Spirit.