Week 40 – Days 6 & 7

Poem of Praise – Priorities

And He Himself existed and is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. [His is the controlling, cohesive force of the universe.]
Colossians 1:7 (AMP)

Often many different things
Are mingling in my brain;
And all the thoughts get jumbled up
Resulting in great strain.
There are so many sights to see,
So many deeds to do,
So many things I want to be
’ere my life on earth is through.
So many words I want to write,
So many songs to sing,
So many lives I want to touch,
Such happiness to bring.
Then I get in such a hurry
’cause my brain gets all confused,
And I cause myself such worry
Over time that I’ve misused.
But then is when I realize
I must take time to slow down;
And seek the One who’s in control,
Who makes the world go ’round.
To trust in Him to guide my steps,
To show me in His time
Which things should be priorities
To keep my life in rhyme.
So, if I’ll set the time aside
To go to God in prayer,
He’ll straighten out my jumbled mind
And place His peace in there.