WEEK 4 – DAY 1


Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Selah. Psalm 32:7

For me, songs of deliverance, songs of comfort, songs of praise are all songs that are either word for word scripture or strongly based on a Bible verse. Therefore, I (Susie) have made it a habit to memorize this type of song and have even set scripture to music myself. The psalms were originally songs that helped people remember God’s goodness, remind themselves of His protection, and praise Him for all He has done. Let me share an example from my own life of how God can use scriptural songs to encourage us. My father suffered a major heart attack and had been told there was too much heart muscle damage for him to do well with bypass surgery. However, while he was still in ICU, his situation became critical. We were told if he did not have surgery that day, he would die but that he probably could not survive the surgery. He made the decision to go for surgery as he believed the Lord would have him live for his family. As he was being transferred by ambulance to another hospital, I was running errands he had asked me to do for him. I was so afraid. I prayed through tears. I had learned a chorus at church based on Psalm 32:7 which ended with “whenever I feel afraid, I will trust in You.” I sang that scriptural song through my tears as I drove to the hospital. The Lord used it to calm and strengthen me. Shortly after having quadruple bypass surgery, my dad was walking around the cardiac intensive care unit. All three of his doctors proclaimed it a miracle. Not only did he survive the surgery, but he lived another joyful and productive twelve years!  PRAISE THE LORD!

Father, we thank You for putting Your songs of deliverance in our hearts and calling them to mind when we need Your comfort. Help us to continue to memorize Your word and to internalize it.