WEEK 38 – DAY 2


That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death. Philippians 3:10

We have come to realize that our weakest moments humanly speaking are often times of great power in our spiritual walk. Trying times, especially those that come as a result of serving the Savior, bring us into deeper prayer and study. This, in turn, infuses us with the power to do the things God has called us to do (Philippians 4:13). How do we know Christ? The same way we get to know any friend intimately. Susan and I would not enjoy the tight bond we have, had we not been through many experiences together. The adventure of staying with Susan at two different hospitals when she became her own “mini-me” by having her legs amputated above the knee caused us to grow closer together and closer to Jesus at the same time. Hearing the words “Code Blue” shouted as Susan ceased to breathe, definitely made me aware of my deepening love for my newfound sister. Living in a 777 square foot, one-bedroom apartment  together gave us much time to share our life stories, laugh together and develop “inside jokes”, and cry together as we saw each other through the loss of loved ones (we now have a two-bedroom PTL!). The joys and challenges of developing Precious Jewels Ministries have drawn us closer still. Susan alerts me to changes in my breathing that I cannot even feel or hear myself and urges me to use my inhaler. Our lives have been miraculously intertwined through our mutual love of Jesus.

To know Christ as we know our best friend, spending time with Him is essential. The way to do that is in the study of the Bible, intense prayer, and fellowship with His other friends. Yes, He’ll see your ugly side as well as the face you put on for company. He will love you as you are and show you the riches of His glory!

Lord, help us to prioritize our time in order to abide with You alone. Let us know Your miraculous power in the midst of sharing in Your sufferings. Thank You for the grace to do so.