WEEK 35 – DAY 5


For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake. Philippians 1:29

Some favor! That’s what I thought as I read this, especially in light of the full definition of the word translated “given” which included “to grant as a favor”. But then the Lord brought to mind James 1:2-4. Paul had just finished telling the Philippians to have good conduct, stand firm, and fight for the faith together no matter what happened. He encouraged them not to be frightened by the opposition because they would be saved by God. Then he tells them they have been given the “favor” of suffering for Christ. The trials God allows in our lives can be faced with joy because we know He is maturing us to be like Christ (Romans 8:29), and the end result will be our glorification when Jesus returns to take us to the place He has prepared for us (John 14:3). The greatest times of growing closer to God are the hard times.  I grew tremendously right after my husband left me. My pain and fear drove me back to church where I was discipled by a fantastic group of singles. My years of longing for children and struggling to continue to trust God to give me the desires of my heart (Psalm 37:4) strengthened my relationship with Him, especially as well-meaning people told me I needed to accept that I would always be single and childless. Ministering to my parents during their last days on earth brought me even closer to God. Serving as Susan’s caregiver is both a joy and a challenge, God draws me nearer to Him as I see the His faithfulness during Susan’s bouts of pain. I have not faced the trial of persecution that Paul and his Philippian friends were all too familiar with, but I know people who have. It served to make them stronger in faith.  Beatings, imprisonment, and being exiled from his homeland made one friend more resolved to share Christ more than ever. My Ukrainian friend continued to proclaim Christ after her father was imprisoned. The persecuted church knows what is truly important.

Lord, we pray for a great awakening in America; but we feel it may only come after a time of persecution. Lord, strengthen Your children for the trials You allow, and help us to face them with joy.