WEEK 35 – DAY 2


I thank my God upon every remembrance of you . . .Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ Philippians 1:3 & 6

Perform the jaw reconstruction necessary to correct both our overbites and whiten our teeth while you’re at it. Rid Susie of excess fat and maybe put some of that fat where Susan needs it. Relax the contractures of Susan’s hands, free her from spasticity, and grow back her legs. Free us both from glasses. Style our unruly hair, shape our eyebrows, and use make-up to mask anything that can’t be permanently repaired. If we won a spot on that television show where someone is granted their dream make-over, it would change our outward appearance. All of the things we listed would make it easier for us to look good each day, but none of them would change who we are. And none of them would make us what we really need to be.

Have you ever just exhausted yourself trying to be all that others want you to be, all you wish you could be, and what you think God expects you to be?  We both have. Face it; we are not capable of re-making ourselves. However, there is One who is able to take an old, broken down person and bring forth a new creation (2 Corinthians 3:17)! It really isn’t a matter of trying but of dying (Galatians 2:20).  We must daily die to ourselves and allow Christ to live through us. God will be faithful to completely finish the good work He starts in us. The ultimate “make-over” can be yours. Just trust yourself to the Master Creator see what He will do!

Father, we thank You that self-improvement is not what You desire of us. We thank You that you are orchestrating life’s ups and downs to make us more like Jesus. Continue to “mold me and make me after your will,” as the old hymn says. We can no more make ourselves more like Jesus than the lump of clay can turn itself into a beautiful vase. Lord, we rest in Your ability to form us according to Your will, and we submit to Your hand as You spin this pottery wheel called earth each day, shaping us with every turn.