WEEK 34 – DAY 5


And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18 (NIV)

My second graders and I had just returned from a field trip to the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens when one of the moms approached me.

“Miss Hale, what was my son doing at exactly 10:20 this morning?”

“Why do you ask?”

“I was having my quiet time and praying for others when the Spirit urged me to pray for Brian.”

“Well…at about that time, Brian left the group and ran directly into the path of an oncoming car. One of the chaperones grabbed him out of the way in the nick of time. The driver never even saw him! I made him hold my hand the rest of the day.”

“I’m glad I obeyed that call to prayer!”

Are we alert to the need to pray for each other? If we wake up in the middle of the night with someone on our mind, do we pray for them or just roll over and go back to sleep? When we tell someone we’ll pray for them, do we offer up a perfunctory word or two and then forget all about our brother’s need; or do we diligently lift his burden to the Lord?  Prayer should be one of the most important services we perform. We should pray tirelessly. Prayer should be a priority, first and foremost because it is the only way to become more intimate with Jesus.  But we must also persevere in prayer for fellow believers and intercede for those whom God is drawing to Himself.

Father, help us to be more diligent in prayer. Let us be prayer warriors. Lord, let our church be known as a house of prayer.