WEEK 33 – DAY 4


Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:19-20

We hear many a sermon or Sunday school lesson on Ephesians 5:18 about not getting drunk but being filled with the Spirit. But we hear very few, indeed, on the verses immediately following which define what being filled with the Spirit looks like. It might seem a little strange to run around spouting song lyrics at each other. Take a mental step backward and remember the importance of music in many of your relationships. I (Susie) will forever associate “The Band Played On” with the memory of my father taking his little toddler daughter up in his arms and waltzing me around the room while singing that tune. I hold dear the more recent memory of singing the same song to soothe Daddy to sleep in his hospital room. Susan and I have certain songs that are memories of good or even difficult times spent together. I joke that Susan’s heart sings “Frosty the Snowman” because its rhythm is “thumpity-thump-thump.” I sing scripture songs to soothe Susan when her pain is almost unbearable. Song lyrics are powerful. Why shouldn’t we encourage one another with Psalms (even more potent because they are God’s word), hymns, and Christian song lyrics?  Reminding each other of the truths found in them may just help us to obey the next command which is to have music in our hearts directed to our Lord and to be thankful for everything He places in our path. How can we live as conquerors in a world bent on beating us down? Speak courage to each other through the lyrics God has placed in our memories and sing those songs as praise to the Lord who enabled his servants to write them.

Father, let the words of our mouths be a witness and  encouragement to others (Psalm 19). Let the songs You have placed in our hearts bring joy and comfort to our family and friends. For You are “my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in you, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy, and I will give thanks to you in song” (Psalm 28:7 NIV).