WEEK 30 – DAY 5


And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.  Galatians 4:6

I was blessed to have a good daddy. Ray Hale wasn’t perfect, but we had a relationship of love, understanding, and respect. When I was a small child, I’d stand on his feet to walk with him. Saturday bike rides in our neighborhood were a great bonding time in my teens as was working on projects around our church.  In high school, we golfed and bowled together. I knew if I were ever in any type of trouble, small or large, I could run to him. If I fell off that bike or tumbled down a hill while hiking, I knew my daddy would pick me up and tend to my wounds. I remember one time I fell into a yucca plant and a thorn embedded itself in my knee. It was not pleasant while Daddy was removing that thorn, but I trusted that he knew what was best. Not everyone has the privilege of growing up with a loving father. Some children see their fathers abuse their mothers or are even subjected to abuse at the hands of the man they call “Dad.” Perhaps you were one of these children and have a difficult time relating to God as Father. Perhaps to you, a father is someone you can never please no matter how hard you try. Maybe your dad portioned out “love” based on your performance as the “perfect” child. Or you may have had an “absentee” father, one who abandoned you. I have good news for you. Our heavenly Father desires only the best for His children. When He adopts you into His forever family, He wipes away your past mistakes and loves you unconditionally. He promises to be with you every step of the way. You may fall, and there may be thorns that need to be removed from your life. At times the Father’s love may seem painful, but you can trust that God the Father is only doing and allowing the things that are for your ultimate good, to make you more like Jesus (Romans 8:28-29). If you have not already done so, surrender your rights to yourself and fall into the everlasting arms (Deuteronomy 33:27). The perfect Daddy will keep you safe in His hands forever (John 10:29). He will never leave nor forsake His children (Hebrews 13:5). Trust Him like a child who squeals “Catch me, Daddy,” as she throws herself off the side of the pool with total abandon and freedom.

We cry out to You, “Abba, Father!,” and know You will catch us if we fall. Lord, may our obedience lead other people to see the rose of God’s grace blooming in splendor among their thorns.