WEEK 30 – DAY 2


But he answered me, My grace is always more than enough for you, and my power finds its full expression  through your weakness.” So I will celebrate my weaknesses, for when I’m weak I sense more deeply the mighty power of Christ living in me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 (TPT)

Susie: When Susan and I first began developing the website for Precious Jewels Ministries, she was reluctant to be pictured showing her wheelchair. She was adamant that she was not a cerebral palsied minister but a minister who happened to have CP.

Susan: My tendency was always to hide or minimize my cerebral palsy for fear I would be set in a corner as “disabled” or written off as incapable. One of my mantras has always been “I have CP, but it doesn’t have me because I belong to Jesus and Jesus alone.” My other zinger was “We are not the sum of our challenges, but the sum of our spiritual gifts and talents from God.”

Susie: Those two statements are still very true about Susan. However, she has come to realize there is value in presenting herself complete with the limitations of her disabilities.

Susan: Allowing people to see me as I am with a multitude of limitations in my earth-suit exalts the power of Christ who enables me to overcome. Therefore, I will gladly be photographed in my bold, pink power chair and even allowed my pastor to video me sharing from my bed a testimony about giving.

Susie: Susan has learned to boast in or celebrate her weaknesses so that people may see the grace and glory of God working through her life.

Father, remind us that Your power shines through our weaknesses. Help us always to point to Your grace and glory rather than our own strengths.