WEEK 3 – DAY 4


I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8

David could lie down and sleep without fear or trepidation because he had surrendered control to the Lord God. He trusted the safety of himself and his men to the Lord Almighty. He asserted that God was the only One who could guarantee his security.

I sometimes wonder how our brothers and sisters, the Coptic church in Egypt, the persecuted believers in places like Syria, Iraq, Columbia, China, North Korea, etc. can ever sleep at night.  There are over 50 countries that are restrictive or even hostile to Christianity, and in many it is even against the law to share the gospel. You can read more about this at www.persection.com. Yet they do sleep because they trust in the same God that David knew, the Good Shepherd, the One who laid down His life for His sheep. He is the Lord Jesus who promises that no one can grab us out of His hand (read John 10:27-28).

We who believe in Jesus need not lie awake because of the trials we face day to day in this life.  We have a Father who cares more about our needs and concerns than we do—so much so that He was willing to offer His Son to redeem us and bring us into covenant relationship with Him. The verse above is an excellent memory verse to hide away for those fearful times, as is Psalm 56:3 which says, “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.”

Lord, as we lay our heads down to rest tonight, help us to be filled with an awareness of Your love and protection. Enable us to have peaceful, restful sleep.