WEEK 27 – DAY 4


And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again. For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree? Romans 11:23-24

Mama Estelle was grafted back into her own olive tree. Estelle was the mother of the first boy who ever took me (Susie) out on a date. She was Jewish in both ethnicity and faith. The Lord drew her out of unbelief, and she realized that Jesus really is the Messiah: she was gloriously grafted back into God’s family! If you had asked Estelle to wear sandwich sign saying, “Jesus is the Messiah” and on the back, “Jesus loves you,” she would have gladly done so. Estelle understood that Christ fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies and was God incarnate. She knew that He loved her, a sinner, and died in her place. She did anything He laid on her heart without shame. One time, our youth choir was having a picnic prior to performing a musical in San Francisco. Estelle was a chaperone. She walked up to a group of scruffy young men playing baseball, shared fresh Bing cherries with them, and invited them all to come hear us sing about Jesus that night. Some of them did walk into the church that night in full biker garb to listen to the concert. Estelle’s enthusiasm was infectious, and her desire to see others grafted into the vine influenced my walk with the Lord greatly. I am a Gentile branch grafted into the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob through the death of Christ on the cross. I draw strength from the true Vine, Jesus, who grew from the root of David and was God’s Son, the Messiah promised to His people, Israel. When I remain in the Vine, allowing his strength and wisdom to flow through me, I am more than a conqueror. When I try to break off and do things my way, I fail because apart from Him I can do nothing. (John 15:5)

Father, thank You for grafting us into your family. Thank you for loving us, holding us, and infusing Your strength into us. Lord, we pray for the salvation of Jewish people, that many would be grafted back into Your love. Help us to be positive witnesses of Your love!