WEEK 27 – DAY 3


“Because if you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe (adhere to, trust in and rely on the truth) that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart a person believes (adheres to, trusts in and relies on Christ) and so is justified (declared righteous, acceptable to God), and with the mouth he confesses –declares openly and speaks out freely his faith –and confirms [his] salvation. The Scriptures says,No man who believes in Him – who adheres to, relies on and trusts in Him – will [ever] be put to shame or be disappointed. Romans 10:9-11 (AMP)

I’m saved. I’m delivered from sin and protected from death’s sting. I am preserved and made whole. I will not be disappointed. God gave me His word on it.          Does that mean that I will never know earthly pain and disappointment and never fail? Of course not. Three of the references above are from Isaiah and Jeremiah, prophets who spoke of their people being conquered and held in captivity. King David wrote, “The Lord redeems his servants; no one will be condemned who takes refuge in him,” and states that “The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:22, 18). Times of being crushed are a fact of life. Pain, disappointment, and failure are always a part of this world. However, God preserves us through these things. He protects us in the midst of them. He makes us whole and heals our hurts enabling us to minister to others while we journey here on earth. When we adhere to His precepts, and rely on and trust in Him, we will not be disappointed. When we have no strength of our own, our Father is able and willing to carry us. Ultimately, He’ll carry us home; and as we have learned previously, “our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:18)

Father, help us to rely on and trust You completely in the troubles of this life. Help us to remember that You are Lord over everything and everyone. Help us to never lose hope by remembering that You are always near us in those times of broken-heartedness. Thank You for the promise of Your presence!