WEEK 27 – DAY 2


Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? Romans 9:20-21

Imagine for a moment that you have the power to make little people, plants, and animals from Play Dough® that really come to life.  You create an entire world of these Play Dough® creatures and provide the necessary plant life, water, and oxygen to continue to support their lives in your created world.  You have ultimate power over them, provide all their needs, and are, in comparison to them, a giant.  Therefore, they worship you as their “god.” Time passes, but all is not well in Play Dough® World.  There are disagreements among the people and even violence at times.  Some of them abuse their spouses or children.  Some of them are lazy and expect the other Play Dough® people to take care of them even though they do nothing to contribute to society in Play Dough® World.  Those who do work to provide for their families complain most of the time.  Many of them have forgotten you exist.  They not only fail to worship you as “god” but teach their children that you are a myth because, after all, it is irrational to believe in all-powerful giants. You have a choice.  You can either smash them all flat and destroy them as they deserve, or you can choose to become one of them to help them understand you better and then die for them.  Would you die for your Play Dough® people? News Flash!  We are the Play Dough® people and our Creator did die for us! See also: Genesis 2:7, Job 10:9, Psalm 24:1-2, Psalm 103:13-14, Romans 5:6-8, and John 3:16.

Father, when we forget we were made from dust, You forgive our arrogance. Your love endures forever. You have drawn us to Your side extending Your mercy and grace to us for Your purpose and glory. Lord, help us to victoriously fulfill the purpose You have for our lives. Thank you for breathing new life into us even though we could never earn or deserve it. Praise the Lord!