The Jews’ accusation against JesusWas that He claimed to be a King.
They wanted Jesus crucified,
manipulating Pilate to do this thing.
If Jesus admitted a claim to kingship,
A usurper to Caesar He’d be,
And Pilate’s hands would be tied.
He could not easily set Him free.
Jesus verified His kingshipOtherworldly and supreme,
But He had come into this world
To bring Truth’s eternal beam.
Jesus is the only Way
To forever peace with God.
He is The Truth, The Light, The Life
Who walked on this earth’s sod.
He did not defend Himself
As before Pilate He stood
For He knew crucifixion was God’s plan
To bring about ultimate good.
Pilate thought he had power,But in reality, he had none
Except what the Father had given
As verified by Jesus, the Son.
Jesus spoke always only
The truth which He had heard
In the voice of the Heavenly Father
Now recorded in God’s word.