WEEK 23 – DAY 4


He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep. John 21:16

Sheep without a shepherd run willy-nilly and get into all kinds of trouble. They do not have a good sense of direction. In fact, some have said they don’t have good sense at all. They fall off cliffs. They injure themselves even though they are not clumsy (for a minute there I thought I might be a sheep, but I AM clumsy). Sheep NEED a shepherd to lead them to pasture and water, to protect them from predators, and to minister to all their needs. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, but He chooses to call under-shepherds to take care of His flocks (believers) here on earth. Hey, I am a sheep! In this conversation, Jesus was reassuring Peter that He was still called to be one of the first of those under-shepherds. Your pastor is an under-shepherd called to take care of a particular flock (congregation) of Jesus’ sheep. Like sheep, we need to be fed (taught the word of God), led (encouraged to walk righteously), healed (ministered to when we are hurt physically, emotionally, or spiritually). Your pastor has an awesome responsibility. Have you prayed for your pastor lately?

Father, we pray for our pastor. Inspire him with the ability to make Your word clear to us. Watch over him and his family as they watch over us. Lord, help us to show our appreciation to our pastor. Show us ways we can minister to our minister.