WEEK 23 – DAY 3


Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord. John 20:19-20

Imagine with me for a moment that we are two of the disciples, huddling in a room together, fearing for our lives. The door is securely locked in case the soldiers come to take us away to suffer the same fate as our Master, Jesus—death by crucifixion. Suddenly, Jesus is standing there before us, the door unopened and still bolted! How might we react? Fear mingled with our joy? Perhaps that is why His first words were, “Peace be with you.” If we had any doubt before, we would be convinced by the nail scars and the gash in His side as He displayed them for us realizing that as mere mortals, we would have a hard time believing He was really there in the flesh. The word says the disciples were overjoyed. That may be an understatement!

Let us not be calloused to the wonderment of the empty tomb just because we have heard the story every Easter since we were children. Let us maintain the awe that children never lose about the story of Jesus rising from the dead. Does the power of God demonstrated in the resurrection of our Lord fill you with joyful amazement? Does the old, old story still cause you to fall on your knees or to jump to your feet in worship? I (Susan) may no longer be able to literally jump to my feet, but my heart leaps with praise! When I read the story of the resurrected Jesus, my heart fills with effervescent bubbles of joy!

Father, may we never cease to be thrilled by the truth of the empty tomb. Because Jesus has risen from the dead, we who trust in Him will also rise and be made completely new. Thank You for the hope You have placed in our hearts, the certainty of a forever home with our Lord Jesus.