WEEK 21 – DAY 4


Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment. John 12:3

Jesus does not demand just certain things from us. He wants our entire being surrendered to Him. We feel such an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love that we desire to give Him the most valuable item we have. Abraham was willing to sacrifice his promised son, Isaac, on the altar at God’s command. Joseph the dreamer continued to be faithful to the Lord after being thrown into a pit by his brothers, and God used him to save the Israelites from famine. Moses took on Pharaoh at the age of eighty when the Lord commanded him to leave his new life to deliver His people. Hannah gave her firstborn son to work in the temple alongside Eli out of gratitude that the Lord opened her womb. Hosea was willing to ruin his reputation when the Lord told him to marry Gomer the prostitute as a picture of God’s love for us. Esther risked her position as queen and her life in order to save the Jews, God’s people. Mary submitted to God when Gabriel gave her the message that she would be the mother of the Messiah. Joseph married Mary disregarding what their neighbors would think of the two of them and the gossip they surely would spread. The apostles left everything, their businesses and their families, to follow Jesus and become His ambassadors to spread the Gospel.  Mary of Bethany gave the most expensive and valuable thing she owned to honor Jesus before His death on the cross. Throughout history, God’s people have sacrificed to show how deeply they love God. Is there something you need to lay on the altar to be used by God for His glory? If so, do not hesitate. Ask yourself as did the hymn writer Elisha A. Hoffman, “Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid?” The reward may not be immediate or on this side of Heaven, but God sees and knows your heart.

Father, enable us to become living sacrifices (Romans 12:1) surrendering all we have and all we are to Your will. May we be willing to give our most prized possession in order to bring glory to Your Name.