WEEK 21 – DAY 3


I give them eternal life, And they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. John 10:28

Jesus had just described Himself as the Good Shepherd who “giveth his life for the sheep” (John 10:11b). He also described Himself as the “door” (John 10:7). A sheepfold was a pen with one opening. The shepherd literally became the door to the pen as he laid across it to sleep. Any predator would have to come through the shepherd to get to the sheep. Jesus stands between us and anyone or anything that would harm us. Jesus describes the sheep as knowing His voice. Sheep are not bright animals but they will not come to a person calling them unless it is their own shepherd. The Lord enables us as believers to discern His voice, His will, from all the voices striving for our attention in the world. He has provided the Bible to guide us when the world’s loudly beckoning voices try to drown out the Lord’s. Since Jesus chose us to be a part of His flock, He holds us securely in His hand.  We did nothing to earn His love and can do nothing to make Him love us less. We come to Him empty handed, and He fills our lives with abundance. He assures us that no one can snatch us from His safe embrace because the Father holds us in His all-powerful hand as well since the Son and the Father are One.

Thank You, Lord, that in our greatest times of need or sorrow, we are held by the One who loves us more than anyone else ever could. Even if we wanted to run away, You would hold tightly to us because we are Your children, Your little lambs. You are the Great Shepherd, and we are blessed to be members of Your forever flock.