WEEK 19 – DAY 5


Now their fear gives way to joy; but it seems too good  to be true, and they’re still unsure. Luke 24:41a

The disciples in Jerusalem had been joined by two disciples who had talked with Jesus on their way home to Emmaus. Those in Jerusalem testified that Jesus was alive and appeared to Simon Peter, and the Emmaus travelers told how He had explained Scripture to them and revealed Himself as He broke bread and blessed it. Suddenly Jesus appeared in the middle of them even though they were in a room with the door locked! At first, they were terrified, thinking He was a ghost. Then Jesus invited them to examine Him closely and even touch Him to prove He had flesh and bones. Now their abject fear turned to joyful confetti bursting forth inside them and they were exuberant. However, the whole situation made their brains go tilt. A little nagging voice in their heads told them it was all too awesome to be real, too good to be true. Jesus patiently indulged their doubt and proved the reality of His bodily resurrection by eating a piece of fish in their presence.

When presenting the Gospel, we are sometimes met with skepticism. Salvation, forgiveness, and Heaven without having to do anything to earn them seems too good to be true. However, the fact is that we could never be good enough to earn or deserve what God has offered us for free. Jesus died to make our salvation possible. It was not free to Jesus because He paid the price for us. Scripture confirms that salvation is a gift. The facts are there. We can only present them and pray the Holy Spirit opens the eyes of the person in need of Jesus.

Father, like these first disciples, You sometimes inundate us with undeniable facts, yet we still doubt. Father, please forgive us for doubting and increase our faith!