WEEK 17 – DAYS 6 & 7

He had squandered his inheritance in wicked rebellion
and found himself wallowing with detestable pigs.
He felt he could no longer be a part of his family.
His rejection of his father and his sin was too big.
But when he returned home, confessing his wrongdoing,
And planning to beg to be a hired-hand,
His father threw off his dignity, running to meet him
And wouldn’t let him finish the speech he had planned.
“Bring my son a fine robe as my guest of honor.
Place on his finger the family signet ring.
Put shoes on his feet for my son is no slave.
Slaughter the fattest calf to celebrate this thing,
For my son who was dead has come back to life,
My son who was lost is in my arms again.”
He prepared a great feast and threw a big party
Inviting all their neighbors and all of their friends.
I was lost and far from our Heavenly Father,
Destitute, hungry, and utterly dead in my sin.
Then the Spirit drew me to come to my senses,
And the Father welcomed me when I came to Him.
He placed the robe of Jesus’s righteousness upon me,
Sealed me with the presence of His Spirit within.
Then He shod my feet with His Gospel of peace
That I might spread the Good News with all men
That God Almighty takes repentant, humble sinners
And adopts them to be His sons and daughters.
We feast on the Bread of Life and Living Water,
And will dwell forever with our loving Father.