WEEK 17 – DAY 2


He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. Luke 16:10

I have been told more than once that I do not have enough money to be able to give to the Lord. WRONG! I have too little to NOT give. God does not expect me to give huge amounts monetarily to the church. He expects me to give in proportion to what He has given me. I am on SSI (disability), and my monthly income is small; but my heart for God’s work and His people is large. I believe ten percent is a minimum gift. I tithe to my local church, and we tithe on behalf of our ministry as well. I set aside funds to give to other ministries, people’s specific needs, mission trips, etc. Recently, Susie and I decided to give up Saturday donuts  to donate to our church’s mission trip to Mexico. God expects me to be a wise steward; all that I have is His. It’s not just about money. Money is a small portion of our stewardship. We need to be good stewards of our LIVES. I am finding more ways I can be actively ministering to others with my life right here from home. We write encouraging poetry—covenant blessings for couples, champion blessings for children, and blessings for birthdays, graduations, etc. We send out note cards to bless people. We intercede in prayer for specific needs and to provide a listening ear for those who need a sister in Christ. God has made it clear that everything I own was given to me for His use. I am just the steward of this portion of God’s wealth. No excuses! Even every breath I breathe was given by God and is HIS! God has given me everything I need in Jesus. I must determine to do my best with all He has given me—my funds, my time, my energy. People may look at my earth-suit and think I have less to give—less ability, less energy, sometimes even less breath. But I have plenty of resources to share because God infuses me with exactly what I need to do everything He calls me to do.

Father, please continue to infuse us with the strength of Jesus (Philippians 4:13) to complete the tasks You have laid on our hearts. Help us to share generously of our time, talents, and income. Bless us to enable us to bless others in Your name.