WEEK 13 – DAY 3


And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her. Luke 1:38

Mary had been overwhelmed by the appearance of an angel. Her heart must have been pounding in her chest; she could probably hear it in her ears. She was probably filled with awe and wonder and some understandable fears. Would anyone believe her? Would Joseph stand by her side? Who was she to raise the Son of the Most-High? Would the Spirit that overcame her abide? As the thoughts raced through her mind, Mary became determined. She had faith in Jehovah God and would submit to all He asked of her. She referred to herself as His servant, His handmaiden, His slave. In humility, she surrendered to God’s will for her rather than running away. As we trust Jesus as our Savior, He may call us to unusual tasks. Surrender in humility to Him. Do whatever He asks. You may feel trepidations pounding in your chest, but His Spirit empowers you; for your Father always knows best.

Father, give us the courage to humbly surrender to Your will as Mary did so long ago. Help us to be Your handmaidens, but we thank You for elevating us to so much more, to be Your daughters!