WEEK 12 – DAY 6 & 7


Master: Excellent. You’ve proved yourself not only clever but loyal. You’ve executed a rather small task masterfully, so now I am going to put you in charge of something larger. But before you go back to work, come join my great feast and celebration. Matthew 25:21 (VOICE)

 Are you carrying on 
            the business of the King?
Do you seek to serve Him
            in everything?
Though the job seems small,
            will you faithful be?
Or do you sit and wait
            saying, “Someday He’ll use me”?
Do you think that you’ll do
            mighty things for God another day
when right now you can’t even manage
            a simple tithe to pay?
Do you think that in the future
            God will change the world through you
When you don’t even do
            the little things He asks you to?
When I asked myself these questions,
            then I could plainly see
I need to be becoming
            all that God wants me to be.
I need to just be faithful
            in the small things now at hand
Then I will be prepared
            when God reveals more of His plan.
So ask yourself those questions
            and think on them tonight.
You’ll find you need to serve God now
            If you want to serve with might.