WEEK 10 – DAY 4


Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Matthew 1:23

Emmanuel – When I graduated twice from ORU (Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees) and when I was ordained as a minister, God was with me. When I celebrated entering my “golden decade” despite the fact that my life expectancy had been 24 years, Jesus celebrated the continued life He gives me. Jesus has been with me mightily through every high and low in my life. I trust that He will continue to be my Emmanuel, God with me, until He receives me home. My desire is to be a living gift of His presence to those I encounter. (Susan)

Emmanuel – When the Lord blessed me with “adopted” teenagers in my forties, I knew Jesus was with me. God has given me many Christian friends who are “Jesus with skin on” and through them, He has hugged me so many times. Jesus brought Susan and me together and has enabled us by His grace to form Precious Jewels Ministries, and we are keenly aware of Emmanuel, God with us, every day as we study His word. (Susie)

Emmanuel – Take a few moments to really contemplate how Jesus is “God with us” in your own life. Maybe even write examples as we each did. Praise and thank Him for His presence!

Emmanuel, Jesus, thank You for being God with us! May we continue to bask in Your presence daily, and may our lives bring glory to Your name—Emmanuel.