WEEK 10 – DAY 3


Therefore, the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14

Emmanuel – I was about four or five, wearing my little leg braces, and I told my granddad that I wanted Jesus to be mine forever. Grandad carried me down to the altar to be led in prayer by T. D. Hall, and that was it – I believe He was, and is, and forever will be mine. (Susan)

Emmanuel – It was the summer before my sophomore year in high school when I realized that even though I was active in the youth group at my church, I did not have the relationship with God that others had. I asked my youth minister, Ray Young, to talk with me; and he led me through the Roman Road of Salvation. I prayed to receive God’s free gift of grace, and immediately Jesus was with me. (Susie)

Emmanuel – When I had 200-300 stitches down my back after the surgeons corrected a 98° curvature of my spine to about 35° at the age of 16, I was in drastic pain, but Jesus was with me. In 2006, I was in the hospital awaiting a procedure. My doctor felt an urgency to check on me and found me unresponsive and not breathing. While I was on the ventilator for three weeks, God was with me and specifically told me to minister to His shepherds. When both of my legs had to be amputated above the knee, I coded again. Once again, the presence of the Lord sustained me. (Susan)

Emmanuel – When my husband left me five days before our first wedding anniversary, I yelled at God; but God was with me and led me that Sunday (our first anniversary) to a church family that saw me through my divorce and discipled me to walk more closely with the Lord. When my daddy went to be with the Lord after a battle with cancer, I found I could “dance like a child” in God’s presence even though my heart was hurting. As I cared for my mother for six years, Jesus was with us every step of the way. (Susie)