BelovedG27, if God so lovedG25 us, we also oughtG3784 to loveG25 one another.
1 John 4:11
G3784 ὀφείλω opheílō – Metaphorically, to be bound or obligated to perform a duty, meaning I ought, must . . .
Zodhiates, Spiros, The Complete Word Study Dictionary, New Testament, G3784
In the previous devotional, we looked at exactly how God demonstrated His love for us by sending His own Son to die in our place. The Father sacrificed His only Son born of the virgin Mary. Jesus was not God’s adopted child like we are. The Holy Spirit miraculously placed Jesus in the womb of a human woman without benefit of a human male. God, out of His perfect love for us, gave His most precious Son to pay the debt we owed. Therefore, we “ought”—we are obligated—to love one another.
4:11 God’s sending His Son gives Christians not only salvation privilege, but obligation to follow this pattern of sacrificial love. Christian love must be self-sacrificing like God’s love. (52)
MacArthur Study Bible, note on 1 John 4:11
In previous devotionals, we have seen that God revealed His love to us, Jesus commanded us to love, and we are to love in action and truth. Now we find that we are obligated to love. It is our duty as children of God to love others in the way He has loved us. As children we sang, “I’m in the Lord’s army!” Soldiers have duties they are obligated to perform. As soldiers in the Lord’s army, we are obligated to fulfill our duty to love one another. Are we excellent soldiers?
Father, may we serve You with gladness and enter Your courts with praise (Psalm 100:4). May we, as obedient children and good soldiers, fulfill our duty to love others as You have loved us.