For as soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.

Luke 1:44 (BSB)

The exclamation in the scripture above was made by Elizabeth when her relative, Mary, came to visit her.  Elizabeth was pregnant with the baby who would eventually become known as John the Baptist.  The Holy Spirit revealed to fetus John that Mary was carrying the Messiah.  Unborn John, utterly ecstatic, did gymnastics in his mother’s womb.  Elizabeth, also moved by the Holy Spirit, interpreted her baby’s moves as leaping for joy.  An UNBORN baby was the first to recognize our Savior, who was yet an EMBRYO.   This is a strong argument for the fact that a fetus or even an embryo is already a person God has formed inside the mother-to-be.  We are designed with purpose and intention from the beginning.  In Psalm 139:13 (VOICE), the psalmist states, “For You shaped me, inside and out. You knitted me together in my mother’s womb long before I took my first breath.”  Apparently, knitting is not just for “little old ladies.”  The Lord is a master knitter because He knit each of us together within our mother’s wombs.   That’s a lot of knitting!  God creates and knows intimately each embryo while still in the womb.  God told Jeremiah, “Before I even formed you in your mother’s womb, I knew all about you.  Before you drew your first breath, I had already chosen you to be My prophet to speak My word to the nations” Jeremiah 1:4–5 (VOICE). 

Before I was born, God created me for His purpose, to be His mouthpiece for His glory.  He also knew I would face the daunting limitations of cerebral palsy. There are people who would have given up on a child with so many complexities.  However, God placed many people in my life over the years to encourage me to be an overcomer rather than to wallow in self-pity. Knowing I would need a facilitator to accomplish my God-given purpose, the Lord formed Susie and used godly people to shape her into the person she is today. There are those who would end the life of an embryo, fetus, or even a baby thought to be less than “normal” before that child ever had an opportunity to live. Praise the Lord, He did not allow this to happen to me! God creates each one of us in the womb.  That embryo, fetus, or baby is a person from the moment of conception, and to destroy that life is murder. One thing we must remember is that Jesus died to provide forgiveness for those who have made the choice to have an abortion. If you have had an abortion and you belong to Jesus, do not let Satan keep throwing that back at you. Memorize Romans 8:1, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” You are forgiven. You are loved. You can be an instrument of God’s grace to bless others. You are God’s precious jewel!

An unborn fetus expressed exuberant joy due to the upcoming arrival of our Savior.  How much more should we, who know the rest of the story, rejoice? 

Father, we thank You for the gift of being born and even more so, for the gift of being born again by Your grace. We thank You that You designed us for a purpose and will enable us to fulfill that purpose in Your strength and for Your glory.