After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stood over the place where the Child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with great delight.

Matthew 2:9-10

SUSIE: The star had disappeared temporarily which is why the Magi had inquired of Herod. Now it re-appeared and led them directly to the house where Jesus was living. I do believe this could have been the glory of God leading them just as He led the Israelites with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night when they fled Egypt. No natural phenomenon would have the ability to disappear, reappear, move, and hover.

SUSAN: The wise men were not just full of joy when the star came back into view: their joy was exponentially overwhelming. It was also exhilarating that they could now fulfill their mission to worship the baby King.

SUSIE: Jesus may have been a year to 18 months old by this time (according to the time the wise men told Herod they had first seen the star), and his family had moved to a house in Bethlehem. In other words, the wise men were not at the stable as they are so often depicted in artwork and dramatizations.

On coming to the house, they saw the Child with His mother Mary, and they fell down and worshiped Him. Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh.

Matthew 2:11

SUSIE: Whenever scripture mentions Jesus and Mary in the same breath, He is always given the position of prominence by being listed first. Note that the passage refers to Jesus as a “young child” again indicating He was no longer a newborn. Joseph must have been at the carpentry workshop since he is not mentioned in these verses.

These are exceptionally good gifts, for gold is what is given a king, and Jesus is the King of kings; incense is what you expect to be given a priest, and Jesus is the High Priest of all high priests; myrrh ointment is used to heal, and Jesus is a healer. But myrrh is also used to embalm corpses—and Jesus was born to die.

Notes from The Voice Bible:

SUSAN: All three gifts were expensive. Frankincense was burned along with the offerings in the temple according to the instructions God gave to Moses. Myrrh must be bruised, crushed in order to bring out its fragrance. Jesus was to be crucified in order to give us the fragrance of God’s grace.

SUSIE: The wise men probably did not fully understand the significance of their gifts or their visit. Scripture foretells that important men and even kings will worship The King:

Let the kings of Tarshish and the island kings shower him with gifts and the kings of Sheba and Seba bring him presents as well. Let every king on earth bow down before him and every nation be in his service.

Psalm 72:10-11 (VOICE)

Herd after herd of camels will cover the land, caravans arriving daily from south and southwest: Midian, Ephah, Even Sheba with gifts of gold and frankincense. They will announce for all the world to hear, “The Eternal be praised!”

Isaiah 60:6 (VOICE)


1.   Are we coming to Jesus to give Him adoration and worship, or are we only interested in what He can give us?

2.   Do we understand all Jesus has done for us and can do in us, or do we see him (like Herod) as the eternal kill-joy? Jesus came to give us abundant life. His rules are for our protection, peace, and fulfillment; not to limit us.

3.   The wise men brought their best gifts to the Savior, not only the physical gifts, but the most important gift—their worship. Are we bringing Him our best? Are we truly engaged in worshiping our Lord as instructed in Scripture, or are we distracted by the world?