To Titus, my true child in our common faith: Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior.
Titus 1:4 (BSB)
What greeting do you use when you meet a longtime friend or write a letter to a loved one? Do you say, “Hi! How are you?” to which they reply the obligatory, “Fine. How are you?” Paul greeted the believers to whom he wrote by pronouncing “Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.” You may be thinking that Paul could officially say that to Titus because he was an Apostle and writing scripture. However, can we not confidently say that God bestows grace, mercy, and peace on all who trust in Jesus? Paul desired that his children in the faith understand the grace, the unmerited favor, of God more and more as they grew in their knowledge of Jesus. He asked God to extend mercy to them whenever they fell short of His holiness, as we all do at times. He reminded them of the peace, the wholeness, the contentment that was theirs through the indwelling Holy Spirit.
I wonder what would happen if we began greeting other Christians in this manner? I think it would feel extremely weird at first, but perhaps it would encourage someone to rest in the fact that he or she is a child of God. Perhaps we would be encouraged to truly minister these gifts from God in our daily dealings with others. In our correspondence—okay, let’s be real—in our emails, tweets, and Facebook posts, perhaps we could remind each other of the grace, mercy, and peace that is ours through the Lord Jesus Christ. I am going to try it! Perhaps if you try it, too, we can start a trend.
Father, whether we use these exact words as a greeting or parting blessing or not, let us share Your grace, mercy, and peace through our words, actions, and attitudes every day. Thank You for bestowing that grace, mercy, and peace upon us!