“In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.”

Ephesians 2:21-22

God is building himself a temple,

And we are the stones he is using.

Christians being built together

Is the residence of his choosing.

G2730 katŏikĕō – to house permanently, i.e. reside (lit. or fig.): – dwell (-er), inhabitant (-ter).

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible

            Someday we hope to go house hunting. Susie either lived in her parents’ home or an apartment all her life. Susan lived either with her parents, grandparents, boarding school, college, an apartment, or a duplex. Our dream is to have a modest house for which we will choose the furnishings and landscaping. It will never make the cover of Better Homes and Gardens or even the back page for that matter because our taste is rather eclectic. However, it will be a reflection of our personalities and our desire to create an atmosphere where “framily” (friends and family) will feel at ease. We look forward, God willing, to putting the place together a bit at a time as our budget will allow.

            It’s amazing to us that when God looked for a residence, he chose to inhabit his people. Talk about eclectic taste! We come in all shapes and sizes, ethnic groups, and denominations; but He has chosen to build us together into His holy temple. He has taken up permanent residence in each believer by his Holy Spirit. We are each a part of the body of Christ (possibly an elbow or a big toe), but we are, also, stones in his temple. Maybe a better analogy would be that I am one Lego™ that God is snapping together with other Legos to make a fantastic building. God tells us we are His “precious jewels”. Imagine that Lego™ temple as Legos™ formed from multicolored, multi-faceted jewels. A single building block is not too impressive, but masterfully put together they are fascinating!

            We love that word permanently. God has chosen us as His dwelling place, and He will not move out. The Ephesians were Gentiles, but Paul was emphasizing that they were a part of God’s family, His body, and His dwelling place along with the Jewish believers. This is only possible in Christ; and in Him, we are being built together with Christians throughout history to be a dwelling place for the Spirit of God. Amazing!

            Thank you, Lord, for choosing to dwell in us. Thank you for fitting us together with other Christians to be a strong building in which Your Spirit can dwell and through which You can minister to the world. Help us to serve you fully and gladly each day. Daily mold us into the servants You would have us to be. Thank You for Your mercy and grace in choosing us while we were still sinners.

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