Give thanks to the LORD; call upon His name; make known His deeds among the nations. Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; tell of all His wonders. Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice.

1 Chronicles 16:8-10

This psalm of thanksgiving by David was first sung on the day the Ark of the Covenant was brought back to Jerusalem. God had miraculously returned the Ark to Israel when the Philistine leaders put it on a cart being pulled by two cows who had just given birth to calves. Instead of turning back to take care of their calves, they walked in a straight line to an Israelite town. David’s first attempt to move the Ark ended in one man’s death because he touched the ark to steady it. David then learned the proper protocol for moving the Ark and made sure all was done according to what Moses had written. There was great relief and rejoicing when the Levites carried the Ark into the tent David had prepared for it. David committed this song to Asaph and his brothers to be sung on this occasion. David began his song of thanksgiving by reminding the Israelites to thank God for his mighty deeds and miracles on their behalf and to spread news of their God to others.

God continues to move in the lives of His chosen people—both Jews and Gentiles who have received Jesus—in unexpected and even miraculous ways. This may seem like an insignificant thing to many, but the Lord placed a seamstress in our path. We hadn’t even been praying for one! Since Susan cannot lean forward, all of her blouses must be open in the back to go on like a hospital gown. This sometimes means buying a larger size to accommodate cutting the blouse open and seaming the two edges. Then the shoulder seams droop on her arms. We described that problem to Jennifer at a church craft fair where we both had booths. She believed she could find a solution. She has since modified several blouses and one skirt to fit beautifully. Yesterday, we went shopping with her to purchase material for several skirts with the brilliant idea of having a base skirt with several fronts that could be easily changed without having to roll in the bed. Susan’s clothes will now fit perfectly and hang nicely even in her power chair! The Lord literally placed Jennifer in our path! An answer to a prayer we didn’t even know to pray!

How has God moved in your life in big or even seemingly insignificant ways? Thank Him and praise Him for His wonderful deeds on behalf of His children. Find something to be thankful for each and every day.

Father, we thank You for sending Jennifer our way. We thank You for providing for our needs. We thank You for all the unseen things You orchestrate in the background that guide our paths in the right direction.