When they saw the star, they rejoiced with great delight.

Matthew 2:10

The magi (wise men) had seen a great star from their country in the east and had read a prophecy of a king to be born of the Jews. They had set out following the star, but it disappeared for a time. They inquired of the Jews’ current king, Herod, where this child was to be born. After his scholars informed them, the child was to be born in Bethlehem, they set back out on their journey, and the star reappeared. The wise men were not just full of joy when the star came back into view: their joy was exponentially overwhelming. It was also a relief that they could now fulfill their hearts’ desire to worship the baby King. They may or may not have understood that the God of the universe was Jesus’ Father, but they saw the celestial birthday candle, the ultimate celebratory sign in the heavens, to celebrate the birth of His chosen One. The star, which may have even been the Shekhinah glory of God, led them to the house where Jesus and His earthly parents were staying, and they worshipped Him and gave Him gifts.

Think for just a moment of the glory Jesus left behind in Heaven to endure a humble birth in a stable, being subject to earthly parents, living under the limitations of being a man, and ultimately the sacrifice and humiliation of the cross in order to redeem His forever family. Sometimes the Lord leads us to travel along a difficult path. However, we will never face a journey as difficult as His incarnation and life among humankind. When you begin to feel that your burdens seem to outweigh your blessings, remember what Jesus suffered for you. Remember that our trials here are but a breath compared to the everlasting glory we will experience because we have surrendered our lives to Jesus. “For our light and momentary affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory that is far beyond comparison” 2 Corinthians 4:17. The CNA (Certified Nurse Assistant) who helped Susie care for her mom always told her, “Whatever the Lord calls you to suffer, He will enable you to endure.” Even more than that, we know that we will come out victorious! “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” Romans 8:37.

Father, the wise men left their home in the East and traveled a great distance to bring gifts to the Baby King of Israel, Jesus. Lord, help us to follow Your Light wherever You lead us. Help us to constantly seek Your kingdom above all else and trust You to provide our needs (Matthew 6:33). As we seek to follow Your Light, help us to rejoice with great joy like the wise men did so long ago.

Worship with Gaither family of musicians featuring The Martins singing “Rejoice With Exceeding Great Joy:”

Worship with Larry Ford singing “Follow Me:”