So at that time Solomon and all Israel with him—a great assembly of people from Lebo-hamath to the Brook of Egypt—kept the feast before the LORD our God for seven days and seven more days—fourteen days in all. On the fifteenth day Solomon sent the people away. So they blessed the king and went home, joyfulH8056 and glad in heart for all the good things that the LORD had done for His servant David and for His people Israel.
1 Kings 8:65-66 (BSB)
Solomon had completed building the Lord’s Temple and had the Ark of the Covenant brought into the Temple to be placed in the Holy of Holies. He chose to celebrate this event at the time of the Feast of Tabernacles or Booths which celebrated not only the harvest but God’s bringing His chosen people into the promised land. The nation celebrated not just the seven required days but an additional seven days, fourteen days in all.
To mark this great occasion with the dignity and solemnity it deserved, Solomon assembled all the elders of Israel with the tribal and family chiefs. As God’s anointed shepherd, he involved all Israel through its elders and chiefs in the moving of the ark and the dedication of the temple. This involved more than mere pomp and ceremony. Solomon was serious about the spiritual significance of this occasion; and he desired that the heart of all Israel be knit together in the dedication of the temple and, more important, in the dedication of their hearts to God. (7)
Barker, Kenneth L. and. Kohlenberger, John R III, eds. Expositor’s Bible Commentary (Abridged Edition): Old Testament, (Zondervan, 2004).
The people went home joyfully but not just because it was a great fourteen-day party. Their joy was found in remembering all that God had done for their nation, King David, and now King Solomon. They had just spent time reflecting on God leading their forefathers to the promised land by celebrating the Feast of Booths and now also celebrated God’s allowing Solomon to build a great Temple to His glory and place the symbol of His presence with them—the ark—in the Holy of Holies. They went home celebrating the Source of their joy. Have you ever gone on a retreat and been asked to just reflect on the goodness of God for several days? How often do we remind ourselves of all the excellent things God has done for us individually or as a local congregation? Journaling is a great way to reflect on God’s power in your life and have a record to refer back to when times get tough. You can see God’s faithfulness in the pages of your journal.
Father, we rejoice in the salvation You have graciously given us through Jesus. We rejoice in Your constant provision for all our needs. We rejoice in the many answered prayers we’ve experienced. Lord, we will sing of the goodness of God!
Worship opportunity: Cece Winans singing “Goodness of God”