But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid! For behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people: Today in the city of David a Savior has been born to you. He is Christ the Lord! And this will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.”

Luke 2:10-12 (BSB)

The great joy the angels proclaimed was not to be for the Jews only but for all nations, all those who come to know Jesus.  Repeatedly, the news of Jesus’ birth is declared to be a joyous occasion.  The long-awaited Messiah, the Redeemer, had arrived and would eventually offer Himself up as a sacrifice to rescue those who trust in Him from suffering the wrath of God and the penalty of their sins.  Israel, a nation conquered by Rome, had been plunged into deep darkness.   Jesus was not the military conqueror whom they were expecting and for whom they hoped.   However, He freed them from the greater captivity of sin, bringing those who believe an overwhelming peace and everlasting joy.  They were looking for Jesus to be a conqueror and set up a powerful kingdom, to lead them into battle, and to overthrow Rome.  However, He came as a Lamb led silently to slaughter (Isaiah 53:7).  The Law God gave to Moses required that lambs with no blemish or spot be sacrificed to Him to atone for the people’s sins.  John the Baptist declared, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! (John 1:29b).  Jesus, the final perfect Lamb, chose to die on the cross in our place to pay for our sins.  He rose again to bring all those who trust and believe in Him into the perfect kingdom of love and peace. 

I realized the truth that Jesus died for me at a very early age.  I was about four or five years old, sitting in church with my granddad.  The pastor was still preaching about our need to be on the right team when I told my granddad that I wanted to go.  I didn’t want to be separated from Jesus.  I wanted to be on His team and live with Him forever someday in heaven.  So, my granddad took me up in his arms and carried me, heavy metal and leather leg braces and all, to the altar even before the sermon ended!  I told the preacher, Brother T.D. Hall, “I want to receive Jesus into my heart.  I want to live with Him and not be His enemy.”  From that day forward, the Holy Spirit has lived in me.  I am a citizen of His kingdom even while I am still in this earth-suit.  Someday, I will live with Him in the forever home He has prepared for all those who love Him.  If you have trusted Jesus as your Savior, He has brought you into His kingdom, too. Rejoice!!!

Philippians 3:20-21 But our citizenship is in heaven, and we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables Him to subject all things to Himself, will transform our lowly bodies to be like His glorious body.

Father, thank You for sending Jesus to redeem us and set us free from the slavery of sin. Thank You for His promise to prepare a place for us and return to take us into His home.

“Celebrate the Child” with Michael Card:

and “Scandalon”: