At that time Hannah prayed: “My heart rejoicesH5970 in the LORD in whom my horn is exalted. My mouth speaks boldly against my enemies, for I rejoiceH8055 in Your salvation.
1 Samuel 2:1 (BSB)
HANNAH’S SONG (2:1–10) The devotedness of Elkanah’s wife and son stands out against the depravity of Eli’s family. After giving her son to the Lord, Hannah poured out her heart in thanksgiving. Her words reveal an in-depth knowledge of God, His character, and His deeds. The prayer seems to rebuke Peninnah for the many spiteful things she had said to Hannah, but it prophetically goes beyond this domestic squabble to the triumph of Israel over her foes and to the eventual reign of Christ. Mary’s song, often called the Magnificat (Luke 1:46–55), was obviously influenced by her knowledge of Hannah’s song. (5)
MacDonald, William, Believer’s Bible Commentary, (Thomas Nelson, 2016).
My heart rejoiceth in the Lord (v. 1). The supreme source of Hannah’s joy is not in the child but in the God who has answered her prayer. (6)
Hindson, E. and Mitchell, Daniel R. eds. King James Version Commentary, (Zondervan, 2010).
Hannah had prayed so fervently for a son that Eli the priest thought she was drunk! When she explained that she was barren and was praying God would open her womb, Eli told her God would answer her prayer. In her prayer, she vowed to dedicate her firstborn child to the Lord. At the end of 1 Samuel 1, she makes good on her promise and brings her young son Samuel to the house of God at Shiloh to serve with Eli the Priest. Then she bursts out in song, rejoicing in the Lord who answered her prayer. Her joy in the Lord could not be contained, and her rejoicing was jubilant. How could she give up her first and at that time, only child soon after he was weaned? How could she give up the child she had waited so long to bear? She did rejoice to have Samuel whose name means “God has heard” but rejoiced more in knowing the Lord who hears, cares, and answers prayers.
God does hear and answer our prayers, not always in the way we imagine but in the way that is best for us. We can rejoice that the Creator of the Universe knows our names, knows our needs, and knows our inmost thoughts. We can rejoice that this Almighty God sent His Son to die in our place and redeem us from the sin that would separate us from God. We can rejoice in the God of our salvation who has adopted us into His family. We can rejoice that God is our Father, and we are victorious because of His love. REJOICE!
Father, remind us that our joy is found in You and not in the things You give us. Help us to rejoice in our relationship with You as our loving Father rather than our judge.