Just then a man came up to Jesus and inquired, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to obtain eternal life?” “Why do you ask Me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.” “Which ones?” the man asked. Jesus answered, “‘Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, honor your father and mother, and loveG25 your neighbor as yourself.’”

Matthew 19:16-19

We may all recall this scene which ended with Jesus telling the young man to sell all he had and give to the poor, at which point the man walked away sad because he had great riches. Ultimately, he chose his financial security over following Jesus. However, today let’s focus on the list of commandments Jesus gave the man. You may recognize most of them from the Ten Commandments, but what about that last one: “love your neighbor as yourself.” That one is NOT in the top ten. Or is it? It is commanded, just not in the list of commandments recorded in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5.

Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against any of your people, but loveH157 your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.

Leviticus 19:18

However, if you look closely at the Ten Commandments, there are four that describe our relationship to God, one regarding our relationship to our parents, and five that involve our relationship to others, i.e. our neighbors. If we “love our neighbors as ourselves,” we are following the Golden Rule: “In everything, then, do to others as you would have them do to you. For this is the essence of the Law and the Prophets” (Matt. 7:12). If we treat others the way we would like them to treat us; we will not murder, commit adultery, steal, bear false witness, or covet what they have. Therefore, loving our neighbor as we love ourselves covers the last five of the Ten Commandments.

Perhaps we should ask ourselves daily, “How have I done today as far as loving my neighbor?” Notice that we are not to respond to them with how they may have treated us. We are to treat them the way we would like to be treated. Ask the Lord to infuse you with His love for others. Then demonstrate His love to them as He prompts you.

Father, please fill us to the brim with Your love to be able to love even those who do not love us in return.