In this way, loveG26 has been perfected among us, so that we may have confidence on the day of judgment; for in this world we are just like Him. There is no fear in loveG26, but perfect loveG26 drives out fear, because fear involves punishment. The one who fears has not been perfected in loveG26.

1 John 4:17-18 (BSB)

How are we just like Jesus? He paid the price for sin on the cross and that judgement is now behind Him. He paid that price in our place. Therefore, we do not need to fear the wrath of God. God sees us through the lens of Jesus’s sacrifice and sees His righteousness covering us. Therefore, we can walk confidently through this world because of God’s love for us.

Just as judgment is passed for Him, so we are beyond the reach of condemnation. (55)

MacDonald, William, Believer’s Bible Commentary, note on 1 John 4:17-18.

4:18 not been perfected in love. God’s love is perfect in itself, and it brings to us the sure promise of perfection as soon as we receive it (vv. 12, 17; 2:5). But because we are being made perfect in His love over time (3:2), the remnants of fear may temporarily coexist with love. “Perfected love” from God “casts out fear” progressively rather than instantaneously. (56)

Sproul, R. C. ESV Reformation Study Bible, note on 1 John 4:18.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

Proverbs 9:10 (BSB)

Does 1 John 4:18 nullify Proverbs 9:10? NO! God’s amazing love for us will intensify our reverence and awe of Him and inspire us to obedience. However, as His love is made mature in us, we will no longer fear judgment or punishment. Because Jesus paid the price for our sin (past, present, and future) on the cross, we have confidence to stand before God knowing He sees the righteousness of Jesus when He looks at us. We also need not fear anything that can happen to us in this world because we know our Father cares for us and is in control of every aspect of our lives (whether we feel like He is or not). Remember the first words of the angel to Mary and then to the shepherds, “Fear not!” Our Father knows we have a tendency toward fear and is lovingly helping us to overcome it. Casting out fear is a process, not a one-time event. God knows He created us from dust (Psalm 103:14), and is a patient, loving Father.

Are you fearful about judgment? If you belong to Jesus, you do not have to fear judgment any longer. Are you fearful about things happening in your life? Pray asking the Lord to remove that fear and replace it with confidence in His love for you. This may not happen immediately, but as you persist in reminding yourself of God’s loving control, the fear will ebb away to be replaced with confidence in Christ.

Father, cast out any fear lingering in our emotions. We know in our minds and hearts that You love us and use everything for our good, but sometimes our feelings lag behind. Please increase our confidence, our complete trust in Your love.

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