Instead, speaking the truth in love,G26 we will in all things grow up into Christ Himself, who is the head.

Ephesians 4:15

Rather, let our lives lovinglyG26 express truth in all things – speaking truly, dealing truly, living truly. Enfolded in love,G26 let us grow up in every way and in all things into Him, Who is the Head, [even] Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One.

Ephesians 4:15 (AMPC)

We’ve heard the scripture “speaking the truth in love” quoted many times to justify blasting a sinking soul right out of the water. That may get him out of the sea and prevent him from sinking but picking up the shattered pieces afterward is a messy task for someone with the gift of mercy. We sometimes justify being blunt or harsh by saying our motivation is love. We’ve seen instances in which the stick of dynamite approach may be the only thing that will move someone. However, most of the time, we don’t buy into destroying someone verbally as a means to the end of loving him into the kingdom of God.

Sticking with the sinking analogy, would it not be better to lovingly throw out a lifeline and gently pull the person in? The Amplified Classic version clarifies this verse well. We are to “lovingly express truth” not just in what we say but in our actions. “In love” describes not only why we speak the truth, but also how it is spoken. Truthfulness is supposed to help us all grow up into the image of Christ. I am only able to help my neighbor with loving truth when I have been truthful with myself, dealt truthfully with others, and lived God’s truth out in my own life.  Christ admonished us, “…first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” (Matt. 7:5)

There are times when we need to remind a brother or sister of the truth in God’s word and hope the reminder will pull them back out of the waves that can toss us about. But let us remember that we are all in the same boat, if you please. Next time I may be the one who has fallen overboard. I hope you’ll try the life preserver on a strong line to pull me in before you go to the extreme of detonating a depth charge under me to propel me back into the boat. I hope I’ll remember to do the same for you.

Father, help us to examine ourselves before examining others. Help us to discern when we are being judgmental rather than truly concerned for a brother or sister. Lord, help us to lovingly speak the truth in the context of living the truth and never use this verse as an excuse to deal harshly with a brother or sister.

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