If anyone says, “I loveG25 God,” but hatesG3404 his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not loveG25 his brother, whom he has seen, cannot loveG25 God, whom he has not seen. And we have this commandment from Him: Whoever lovesG25 God must loveG25 his brother as well.

1 John 4:20-21

G3404 μισέω miséō – With the acc. of person, usually implying active ill will in words and conduct, a persecuting spirit where it stands as opposite to agapáō, to love.

The Complete Word Study Dictionary, New Testament, Spiros Zodhiates, ed.

After reading several definitions for the Greek word translated here as “brother,” we have come to the conclusion that this can mean a biological family member, a member of the same tribe or national origin, someone like a brother because of friendship, or a fellow member of the body of Christ. Biblical writers often used the masculine to refer to people in general, so we also believe this is true of females as well and could be “brother or sister.” Basically, if we love God, we should not hate any person. We can hate the evil deeds but not evildoers. We are to have Christ-like love that desires salvation for even those who have harmed us. Hatred is incompatible with the love (agapáō) that God places within us. If we say we love God but harbor hatred in our hearts, we are lying not only to others but to ourselves.

Do you continue to dwell on the hurt someone has caused you? Ask the Lord to help you to forgive. A moment of ill will toward someone may flit through us, but we should not nurture bad feelings. Bitterness and hatred harm the vessel that holds them. We are to be vessels filled to overflowing with the love of God, but first we may need to ask the Lord to wash away the hurt that tries to linger in us.

Father, we pray along with King David, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10). Remove any ill will we have toward a person before we let it fester into hatred. Infuse us with Your love toward even those people who do harm. Help us to point them toward You and Your grace.